(23 Oct) Traditional Oktoberfest of Rotary Club Sofia International and Donation End Polio Now (+GAL)
On 23 October 2019 the agenda of Rotary Club Sofia International was very special, short and simple – Oktoberfest in the cozy atmosphere of Bitburger Keller. We gathered more than 20 people, where the present friends from the club and our guests enjoyed the traditional delicious German specialties and, of course, some of the best German beer brands. It was definitely a nice party and all we had a good time and a lot of fun.
Of course one of our main Rotarian causes was not forgotten even in this festive night. The International Polio Day was a perfect opportunity for donations and our donation box “End Polio Now” was put in use again. The exact amount collected during the Oktoberfest and on the meeting on 16 October, when our President Mr. Kertev made a presentation on the topic, will be announced during the next regular meeting of the club when the donation box will be opened. The amount collected will be donated to the End Polio Fund where it will be tripled by the Foundation of Bill and Melinda Gates.
Regarding our project for delivery of school furniture form Asbach, Germany we have found a company ready to sponsor the transport costs from Asbach to Sofia with an amount of 5,000 BGN.
Well done to the organizers of the evening – our President Mr. Kertev and our Secretary Mrs. Malchevska. We all had a great night.