(16 Oct) Rotary Club Sofia International with a Presentation for the World Polio Day (+GAL)
On 16 October 2019 Rotary Club Sofia International met in the usual atmosphere at its home base in Hilton Sofia.
The meeting started with short presentation of our President Mr. Plamen Kertev on the World Polio Day, which is every year on 24 October. A video was shared and donation box was presented for club members to donate for Rotary Foundation for the eradication of Polio. There are still only few countries in Africa reporting cases of the disease. Even after the eradicating of Polio in the world, vaccinations will be needed to make sure no new cases appear.
The meeting continued with announcements and internal topics. Main event preparation was discussed – the 15th Anniversary of Rotary Club Sofia International planned to be held on 26 February 2020. Current important topic are securing a venue and sponsorship for the event. The event will be combined with whisky tasting.
A project for donating school furniture was discussed. 17 schools are identified in Bulgaria in need of furniture and partnership search with other Rotary Clubs – Harmanly, Sevlievo, Zlatograd has been initiated.
A project appeared for support for a school of talented kids in village of Rusalya was also put on the table. The kids in the institution are in need of clothes, games and toys. Mrs. Veneta Scinner is actively involved in the project, supported by Mrs. Radka Stamenova. More details about the school can be found on www.rusalya.org. Everyone who can help is welcome.
After the official part, the fellowship continued.