(22 Jan) Presentation by H.E. Mrs. Bea Ten Tusscher, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands (+GAL)

Rotary Club Sofia InternationalOn 22 January 2020 the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands H.E. Mrs. Bea Ten Tusscher held a presentation during the regular meeting of Rotary Club Sofia International. The meeting, as usual, took place in  Hilton Sofia. We were, once again, happy to welcome numerous guests: H.E. Thabo Thage, the Ambassador of South Africa to Bulgaria (our presenter form last week), Mrs. Yolanda Van den Brook, Mrs. Irina Naskova, Mr. Arif Soylem and Mrs. Akay Soylem from RC Goeztepe, Izmir, Turkey, Mr. Jasper Wijbenga, Mrs. Nevena Doycheva.

It goes without saying that the expose of H.E. Mrs. Bea Ten Tusscher, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Bulgaria and member of Rotary Club Sofia International was the focus of our meeting. H.E. Mrs. Tusscher presented to the audience a comprehensive, catching and vivid lecture on the foreign policy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. She touched upon the bilateral trade and economic relations. Then continued with information on the investments and the co-operation of our countries in the field of the education and culture. The presentation was accompanied by a slideshow of the beautiful sceneries of the Netherlands. An extensive and lively question and answer followed after the lecture.

The club received warm Rotarian greetings from Rotary Club Goeztepe, from Izmir in Turkey. These were kindly transmitted by Mr. Arif Soylem, a member of the cub, who attended our meeting as guest together with his spouse.

Before closing the official meeting, the President, Mr. Kertev shared updates on the 15th Birthday Celebration of the club, to be held on 27 February at Oborishte 5 Gallery and Hall. All the information needed can be found on our Facebook page.

The fellowship continued with the discussions about the Dutch-Bulgarian relations in the lobby bar of the hotel.



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