(15 Jan) Presentation by H.E. Mr. Thabo Thage, the Ambassador of South Africa (+GAL)
A presentation by H.E. Mr. Thabo Thage, the Ambassador of South Africa to Bulgaria at the regular meting of Rotary Club Sofia International took place on 15 January 2020. The meeting was entirely dedicated to the presentation of H.E. Mr. Thabo Thage. Thus after the official opening the President Mr. Plamen Kertev welcomed the guests and gave the floor to H.E. The presentation focused on the bilatreal relations between South Africa and Bulgaria. The expose of H.E. Mr. Thage included information about the South Africa’s foreign policy Locus, the investment promotion of the country, the economic transformation and reform. Then continued with key Facts about South Africa and the relations with Bulgaria, as well as he bilateral economic relations. The presentation, as expected, raised a number of questions and a long question and answer session followed.
Rotary Cub Sofia International would like to thank H.E. Mr. Thage, his wife Mrs. Busisiwe Thage, Mr. Mashudubele Mamabolo, Chargé d’affaires a.i. and invite them to visit our regular meetings and fundraising events, such as the 15th Birthday Celebration of the club, whenever they have possibility to do so.
After the official part, the fellowship continued with lots of photos and informal conversations and discussions.