(Oct 5) Regular Meeting and Lecture by our Member Mr. Marc Bouzy (+GAL)
On 5 October 2016 Rotary Club Sofia International held its regular meeting. The main topic of the discussion was about the future project, together with Hilton Sofia – Oktoberfest Celebration on 15th October in the hotel. Our club will have 2 donation boxes at the event. The money collected will be used for the 160 kids of Father Ivan in Yakimovo. We will once again organize a Puppet theater for the kids in the village of Yakimovo on 3rd of December and will give them presents.
The meeting continued with a lecture of our member Mr. Marc Bouzy about the Airport Industry, through the example of the Airport of Strasbourg, France. Strasbourg airport used to be a military air base, which is now closed and has been the subject of a large-scale conversion program to civilian activity for nearly 20 years.He presented the hidden face of Airports and detailled the daily works and the international organization. Strasbourg was an Air Force base Marc had a Birthday the previous day and all the members and guests present at the meeting wished him lots of success and good health.