NEXT (09 May): Whisky & Cigar Partnership Night – Annual Charity Fundraiser

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Rotary Club Sofia International (RCSI) is hosting its traditional whisky night, a charity event, which aims to raise funds for the noble causes the club is engaged in. The event is going to take in Kempinski Hotel Zografksi Sofia on Friday, May 09, 2014 starting at 7:00 PM.

This is a charitable initiative. The club will use the funds collected to finance a Vocational Training for youngsters leaving the institutions, who are part of the House of Opportunity Program of Foundation for Social Change and Inclusion, the prime agency of The Trussell Trust in Bulgaria. Part of the funds will be for support of Eyes on Four Paws – the Bulgarian school for guide dogs, with which RCSI is collaborating for a second consecutive year. These initiatives are part of the DONATIONS Program of RC Sofia International – a program that has managed to deliver services and products for more than 2.1 mln. BGN for the past 8 years to the communities in need.

The organizers have prepared a special program including presentations of whisky and cigars. You will have the opportunity to experience the big bold flavours of various blends of Johnnie Walker’s family and also take the Challenge of Bulleit – а new bourbon for the Bulgarian market. Vega Star will present two new whisky brands for the Bulgarian market – Islay Mist and Lauder’s. A salty touch is offered by the finger food provided by our hosts Kempinski Hotel Zofgrafski, as well as by the expensive nuts from AYA company1 Meter Chocolate caters for the sweet part of the evening. Water for the event is from the boutique water company SALOON (SALOON-American Pub). Koh Libre will be supplying healthy juices for the guests. Entertainment will be in the hands of A+ Gallery, Ballet Nova and their Nova Night Pleasure, and Fly Into Dance – Irish Dance Academy Sofia. The atmosphere shall be “decorated” with multimedia presentations of the whisky as an important socio-cultural element of the contemporary society with multimedia provided by Multivisia. Professional photographer from Graphya is in charge of making this night a memorable one. The organizers are hosting an auction of selected whisky bottles. A charity lottery will allow those who wish to test their own luck. You will have the option to purchase whisky and cigars at preferential prices form our sponsors.

Traditionally our initiatives welcome members of other Rotary clubs and related organizations, as well as businesspersons, politicians, diplomats, intellectuals and many young people.

Officers from Rotary District 2482 as well as many media representatives will attend the event.

Entrance fee: 35 BGN (prepaid invitation) and 45 BGN (at door/no invitation). Prepaid invitation can be bought at a RC Sofia International regular Wednesday meeting or via EVENTIM.BG
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We will see each other over a glass of whisky!


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