(22 Jun) Maestro Yordan Kamdzhalov Guest at Regular Meeting (+GAL)

Maestro Kamdzhalov Gueats at Regular MeetingMaestro Kamdzhalov was guest at a regular meeting of Rotary Club Sofia International on 22 June 2022. This was the last official meeting in Hilton Sofia for the Rotarian year 2021-2022. We had the pleasure to welcome 16 people at the meeting in the hotel and one member online.

The meeting started with welcoming words by Mrs. Hristina Malshevska. Then a short introduction of all people who were present in the meeting took part. Speech by the President followed about the current Rotarian year. She expressed her appreciation to the Board and all members for their dedication and time for realization of a number of actions to serve local communities (from the donation of French Disks to French Language School, 5 MED-Bul projects including donation of medical beds and equipment to the Children’s Hospital in Sofia, donation of medical supplies to Bansko and Razlog region, medical infusion pump donation to the Children’s Hospital again with the support of our Past President Mr. Horst Stüer, donation of medical equipment to family-type placement center for children with disabilities in Sofia, District Grant project and medical bag donation Mrs. Svetlana Foteva, donation of 800 toothpastes, Ukrainian refugees support, Buy and Donate projects, Louis Braille School repair works and others, amounting more than 130 000 BGN. Together we managed to realize also the Charity Gala Concert on 09 May 2022 with the great support of Mrs. Linda Kim, where we collected around 9 000 BGN for our future MED-Bul projects. We had 7 new members who joined the club this year. We had 24 special guests out of 27 official meetings. We had a great Octoberfest, Christmas party and Fondue night at Linda’s house. The club life was great.

Mrs. Hristina Malchevska asked to keep up the great work, be united and support Mr. Rumen Rusinov in the coming year, and have even more fun. It was an honor and privilege for her to serve local communities on this position.

Afterwards, Hristina expressed appreciation to Mr. Jörg Schenk for his great Presidency of Rotary Club Sofia International and all the precious support throughout the years. Jörg is leaving Bulgaria and going to live in Germany, so it was the last meeting he attended. The President gave a gift to him, our branded mug, as a sign of gratefulness for all his great work and service in the club.

Then Jörg gave a touching speech and promised to stay in touch and visit us when he comes to Bulgaria.

Later we watched a short video about the World-famous Maestro Kamdzhalov as an introduction and afterwards we welcomed our special guest in the room who spoke about his philosophy of life and his world view.

Maestro Kamdzhalov was born in Targovishte and studied conducting in Sofia and Berlin. He specializes in master classes of world-class conductors and has impressive performances on three continents. He spoke about his search for unity between music, philosophy and science.

“True freedom is being able to realize your potential. Freedom is realizing your own potential inside and out.”

“Where there is no risk, mediocrity is guaranteed! There is no complete predictability in risk, so there is neither complete freedom nor complete limitation. These are just states and dimensions in which one must learn to live. Virtuoso performers live there permanently.”

“It’s a walk on a rope, above the height between two skyscrapers. The people who can do this thing – it’s actually a hyper-ability,” shared Maestro Kamdzhalov.

He is a winner of a number of international competitions for conductors. In 2011 he was elected by full consensus as General Music Director and Chief Conductor of Heidelberg, and since 2018 he has been Music Director and Chief Conductor of the Croatian National Opera and Philharmonic in Rijeka – European Capital of Culture 2020. In 2014, NASA and the International Center for Astronomy named it asteroid 52292, stating that “it connects the world of music with the charm of the universe.” He is a co-founder of the Yordan Kamdzhalov Foundation, established to support young Bulgarian talents and to establish the best Bulgarian musical traditions. Founder of the Music “Laboratory for Man” with conductor Maya Vasileva, a wide civic selection of personalities with outstanding musical and vocal potential. Artistic director and chief conductor of the international Bulgarian GENESIS ORCHESTRA, which unites proven Bulgarian performers from the country, Europe and the world. Co-founder and Artistic Director of “Academia Musica”, a new educational form at the “Human Laboratory”.

Followed a number of questions to the Maestro, as well as a joint group practice of all in the room to say few words together in full synchrony and finally we took a joint photo as a memory of the great evening.

Finally, Hristina thanked to our guests and club members for joining this evening.


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