(Jan 25) Rotary Club Sofia International Meeting and Discussion of Wine It! (+GAL)
On the 25 January 2017 Rotary Club Sofia International held its weekly regular meeting at the usual place – Hilton Sofia.
Ms. Ani Hristova chaired the meeting in the absence of President Horst Stueer.
Regular guests were welcomed. This time we also had one guest who visits us for first time – Martin Luidolt – from Rotary Club Hollabrunn-Weinlknd.
Rotary Club Sofia International extended their congratulations to members Doroteya and Svetlana on the respective births of their baby girls.
The topic of the meeting was about our next fundraising event – “Wine It!” on 16 March. We will be very soon announcing further details.
After the official part part of our members and guests continued the discussion in the lobby of the hotel.