(2 July) Handover Ceremony at the Diplomatic Club in Sofia (+GAL)

Handover CeremonyJuly is the time for transition in the Rotary calendar and on 2 July 2022 Rotary Bulgaria made the Rotary wheel turn once again for about 20 clubs at a joint handover ceremony in the Diplomatic Club in Sofia. The amazing event was the first of its kind where the Presidents of so many clubs passed the necklace on to the Presidents-Elect at the same time. The handover ceremony started with the transfer of the necklace from the Governor to the Governor-Elect and afterwards it was followed by the clubs. Many of our club members witnessed the transfer of the necklace from our President Mrs. Hristina Malchevska to our President-Elect  Mr. Rumen Rusinov. It was fantastic to see so many smiling faces in a great Rotary atmosphere.

Looking back at the challenges and achievements of the past Rotarian year, we would like to express our gratitude to our Past President Mrs. Hristina Malchevska for her exemplary work and dedication. We all witnessed the huge number of realized projects and the amazing work that has been done during the past year. Some of the main projects were the Donation of medical beds for the kids hospital, the Charity Gala Concert in Sofia Opera, the Buy and Donate project, Donation for Ukrainian refugees, Donation of French discs to the French Language School in Sofia, Donation to Louis Braille School in Sofia, Donation by our Past-President Mr. Horst Stueer to the Children’s hospital in Sofia, number of MED-Bul projects, some of the projects were realized with the donations and support of Rotary Club Paris Agora, joint projects with other rotary clubs – RC Bansko-Razlog, RC Kazanlak, RC Harmanli, RC Zlatograd, RC Balkan and RC Samokov, a huge toothpaste donation, one District Grant project, the project with our Rotaract club – Rotarun and many others.

We are so proud to have so many active members, friends, Rotary clubs and organizations supporting our club’s projects and we would like to express our gratitude to them as well. We thank you all for your efforts!

For the new Rotary year 2022/2023 we have many existing and new projects, plans and ideas in our pipeline which we are looking forward to being realized. Our new president Mr. Rumen Rusinov said that he will be thankful for suggestions, ideas, advices and support in the coming year and he will rely on the support of our Secretary Mrs. Elena Vasileva and the Board as well as all members, to continue serving Rotary for good causes. Let’s wish our new president, secretary and board good luck and many successful projects as well as to continue to maintain the good friendship and club life.

The informal summer meetings will be held at the same place as last year in the Club of Architects in Sofia, at 11, Krakra Str., every Wednesday from 7 pm.

We are wishing you all a wonderful summer, full of exciting moments and nice memories and hope to see you at the informal summer meetings and afterwards at the official meetings starting 28 September 2022.


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