(26 Jan) Gliding – the Silent Wing Presentation at a Regular Meeting (+GAL)

Gliding – the Silent WingGliding – the Silent Wing was the topic for an extremely fascinating presentation held during the 26th January regular meeting of Rotary Club Sofia International. The matter was presented by our friend Mr. Marc Bouzy – Past President of Rotary Club Sofia International. 

After the official opening of the meeting, the introduction of guests and the update on administrative affairs, the President Mrs. Hristina Malchevska gave the floor to Mr. Marc Bouzy who is a Past President of Rotary Club Sofia International 2020-2021, CEO at Net & Law Company and past member of Rotary Club Paris Agora, who gave a captivating lecture on gliding – Gliding – the Silent Wing.

Gliding is a recreational activity and competitive air sport in which pilots fly unpowered aircraft known as gliders or sailplanes using naturally occurring currents of rising air in the atmosphere to remain airborne. The word soaring is also used for the sport.

Gliding as a sport began in the 1920s. Initially the objective was to increase the duration of flights but soon pilots attempted cross-country flights away from the place of launch. Improvements in aerodynamics and in the understanding of weather phenomena have allowed greater distances at higher average speeds. Long distances are now flown using any of the main sources of rising air: ridge liftthermals and lee waves. When conditions are favorable, experienced pilots can now fly hundreds of kilometers before returning to their home airfields; occasionally flights of more than 1,000 kilometers are achieved.

Powered aircraft and winches are the two most common means of launching gliders. These and other launch methods require assistance and facilities such as airfields, tugs, and winches. These are usually provided by gliding clubs who also train new pilots and maintain high safety standards. Although in most countries the standards of safety of the pilots and the aircraft are the responsibility of governmental bodies, the clubs and sometimes national gliding associations often have delegated authority.

After the presentation our president thanked all the present in person and online and closed the official part of the meeting. The fellowship continued in informal atmosphere.


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