DGE Valentin Stoyanov Supports the ROTARACTMUN (RCSI Affiliation Project)

The current District Governor Elect Mr. Valentin Stoyanov has issued a support letter for the Rotaract International Model United Nations (ROTARACTMUN). The project is an international joint-venture initiative proposed and hosted by Rotary District 2242, Romania and Republic of Moldova. The event is scheduled for August 21-25, 2013 and will be in the beautiful city of Baia Mare, Romania. The event is realized by the Rotaract Club TEAM Baia Mare together with the support of the District-Governor of D2242, Mr. Radu Popescu. The event is widely supported in Romania by the local and national government. The academic team of the initiative gathers young diplomats and specialists from around the globe. The only “foreign” Rotary member who was invited to take part in the event as part of the academic team is our friend Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev. In this way Rotary Club Sofia International goes once again beyond the local geographic, national and district borders in its setting for global partnership. Also our friend Dimiter will be representing the RI D2482 Commission and will deliver a special presentation on an international project of D2482.

The District Governor Elect of RI D2482, Mr. Valentin Stoyanov expresses his personal support and reminds of the long tradition of the Sofia International Model United Nations which was a Rotaract and Rotary project in Bulgaria and the D2482.

What is MUN?

Model United Nations, commonly known as MUN, is a simulation of the United Nations. In this simulation participants (students and young professionals) take on the roles of foreign diplomats and debate contemporary international matters. Depending on the UN body he or she is assigned to this can vary from a military crisis or human rights abuses to climate change.

By discussing these issues from the point of view of a country representative a participant will learn many lessons. Besides broadening ones knowledge of the UN in general and of the topics that are discussed in the preparations and the sessions, participants will also develop skills such as public speaking, lobbying and dealing with the press. This practical experience gives a good understanding of the way decisions are made in the international political arena.

Besides these substantive advantages an MUN conference also offers some great social benefits. Participants will have the opportunity to socialize with students from many different cultural and academic backgrounds. Both the committee sessions and the evening program ensure this, giving students a chance to expand their international network.

It is the combination of these academic, professional and social skills that make MUN conferences an opportunity for participants to partake in an experience that will last them a lifetime.



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