(20 Oct) Changing the Status Quo Presentation at a Regular Meeting (+GAL)

Changing the Status QuoChanging the Status Quо presentation at a regular meeting, which was held in Hilton Sofia on 20 October 2021. As it has already become a norm, the meeting was a hybrid one – in person and online. The official part, as usual was opened by the President Mrs. Hristina Malchevska.

After the introduction of the guests, the President inducted two new members of Mr. Nikola Bilandzhija and Mr. Plamen Latev. Mrs. Malchevska shared with them the Rotary values and the Four Way Test. She also explained to them what a privilege it is to become a Rotary member. She then welcomed them in Rotary officially by presenting them with the Rotary pin.

A brief update of the ongoing projects of the club followed. Mrs. Malchevska was happy to announce that the MED-Bul Project 2021 is nearing its successful realization thanks to all the sponsors who with their contributions covered the cost of the transportation. and the logistics company will pickup the equipment worth 46,000 EUR from Germany on 4 November 2021.

The meeting continued with Changing the Status Quо presentation by Mr. Abhilash Ali.

Simply put, the status quo is the tendency for people to resist change. It is based on the psychological principle that people like what is familiar and “safe” instead of what is new and “dangerous.” The reality in business and life, however, is that doing nothing can often be more disastrous than trying something new. Competitors’ products and tactics change. Customers’ wants and needs change. Government policies change. Companies and people who stay the same will inevitably fall behind.

Mr. Ali Abhilash explained that creating an environment to challenge the status quo is the way to ensure to succeed. Real change starts with yourself. You must give yourself permission to question the status quo and invite the others to join you.

After the presentation the President gave Mr. Abhilash Ali a Rotary Club Sofia International branded mug as a token of our appreciation and an object to remind him the visit to our the club. After the official part all the physically present at the meeting people took a photo together.



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