Avena Exclusive Club Presentation at a Regular RCSI Meeting (+GAL)
Today the members and guest of Rotary Club Sofia International had the pleasure to have a special presentation with promotional offers (only for Rotary and guests of Rotary) from the chief of the Avena Exclusive Club, Mr. Jordan Georgiev. The Avena Exclusive Club is one of the first private clubs bringing special offers only for its members and affiliates of other club societies in Bulgaria. It works mainly with foreigners living in Bulgaria and provides wellbeing and comfort opportunities for relaxation, business and cultural enrichment.
Apart from the presentation, at the meeting were anounced the 7 new members of the Rotary Club Sofia International:
Ms. Adriana Rusenova – former member of Rotaract Club Sofia International, TV host & movie producer
Mr. Atanas Mladenov – former ambassador of Bulgaria in Italy, MFA of Bulgaria
Mr. Gerd Hempler – Director “Large Corporate Clients” at MKB UnionBank PLC.
Mr. Ilian Madjarov – National Revenue Agency
Mr. Joerg Schenk – German Embassy in Sofia, Buglaria
Mrs. Mariela Kitanova – former founder and member of RCSI
Mr. Mihail Mihaylov – transfered member from Rotary Club Sofia Tangra, Director of Crockpot Bulgaria
Photos from the meeting: