(Apr 20) Eyes on Four Paws Receives New Doors Helped by RC Sofia International
The new doors for Eyes on Four Paws Foundation have been installed. This was made possible by part of the funds collected during the Rotary Grape Passion Evening organized by Rotary Club Sofia International. The remaining funds will go for equipment for Louis Braille – School for Visually Impaired Children – Sofia. We will keep you posted.
Rotary Club Sofia International would like to thank once again to all the sponsors of the event and to all the guests who contributed towards the successful realization of this project: Kempinski Hotel Marinela, Villa Melnik, Marash Winery, Villa Yustina, Angelus Estate, Edoardo Miroglio, Minkov Brothers, Black Sea Gold Pomorie, Svishtov Winery, Targovishte Winery, Rousse Wine House, WIN Wines, Glushnik Wine House, Wachenheim Bulgaria, Bratanovi Wine House, 1 Meter Chocolate, Dimitar Madjarov, Saloon – American Pub, AYa Nuts, HiL!fe, Graphya {Art & Photography} also our hosts the actors Nadejda Aleksandrova and Yordan Danchev.