(5 Jun) Presentation by Mr. Boyan Griffen and Our Nomination for Rotarian Laureate is Chosen! (+GAL)

At Meeting #30, our member, Mr. Boyan Griffen, told us about his recent, amazing trip to Korea for three weeks during May 2024. He delivered a presentation on “Korea: From History to Modern Times,” which is available separately. The focus was on geography, historical contexts, the division of Korea in 1953, politics, and economics. In recent years, South Korea, home to 55 million citizens on a territory 90% the size of Bulgaria, has significantly surpassed the other Asian tigers and dragons. South Korea is an extremely advanced country in nearly all aspects of life, including sciences, medicine, industry, and manufacturing. We are familiar with brands like Samsung, Hyundai, LG, SK, POSCO, and KIA, and their success stories continue.

The scale of Rotary International in South Korea is grand, ranking second only to the United States in terms of giving (Annual Fund, Endowment Fund, and Total Contributions; 2021-22). Korea is home to the fourth-largest Rotarian community in the world, after the United States, Japan, and India. There are approximately 1,660 clubs (160 in Seoul, a city of 25 million) and about 65,000 Rotarians nationwide. The Rotary Club of Seoul, founded in 1927 during the Japanese Occupation (1910-1945), has been in continuous service, uninterrupted even during the Second World War when it operated out of the seaside city of Busan, providing assistance during war efforts.

During the May 15 meeting, members discussed various charitable efforts and projects and expressed eagerness to collaborate with Bulgaria. Boyan attended a meeting with the Rotary Club of Seoul (which has approximately 120 members) and the Seoul Young Leaders Club (Rotaract). Guests included past-presidents from the Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Rotary Club. Like the Rotary Club Sofia International, the Rotary Club of Seoul is the only English-speaking club in the capital. The Rotarians were all incredibly engaging, and Boyan had conversations with many current and past presidents and district governors. He particularly enjoyed conversing with Mr. Sang-Hyun Song, who served as President of the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Korea was an original member of the court, and Boyan learned about Mr. Song’s tremendous life and career experiences.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time in advance to arrange for a proper flag exchange. However, Boyan received a flag from the Rotary Club of Seoul, which he passed on to President Mr. Grant Dale and the Rotary Club Sofia International during the meeting.

For more information about the Rotary Club of Seoul and the Seoul Young Leaders Club, you can visit their websites:

Rotary Club of Seoul

Seoul Young Leaders Club

Two other important events occurred during the meeting: Our Past President, Ms. Ani Hristova, was congratulated on her birthday with a special surprise. Club members presented her with a delicious cake and sang a heartfelt birthday song. It was a wonderful and touching moment, and Ms. Hristova expressed her gratitude to all the members for the surprise.

Lastly, Rotary Club Sofia International’s nomination for the Rotary Laureate is the Association “Children with Oncohematologic Diseases,” which emerged as the winner! A solemn ceremony for awarding the statuette, created by sculptor Assoc. Momchil Mirchev from the Academy of Arts in Sofia, is being organized. The nomination campaign for the Laureate of the Rotary Bulgaria Award for 2024 received a total of six proposals from the Rotary and Rotaract clubs in the District:

  • Association “Children with Oncohematological Diseases” was nominated by Rotary Club Sofia International.
  • International Foundation “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” Sofia was nominated by Rotary Club Sofia-Vitosha and Rotary Club Sofia-Center.
  • Dimitar Lazarov Urdev was nominated for his work with children with special educational needs by Rotary Club Blagoevgrad – Center.
  • Rotary Community Corps “Samokovi” was nominated by Rotary Club Samokov.
  • Dr. Slavena Stoykova from Sofia University “Kliment Ohridski” was nominated by Rotary Club Sofia-Triaditsa and Rotary Club Varna.
  • Dr. Kiril Peev from UMBAL “Tsaritsa Joanna” – ISUL was nominated by Rotary Club Sofia-Triaditsa.

This prestigious award is being presented for the fourth consecutive year. The Rotary Club of Sofia International extends its congratulations to the clubs that have nominated their candidates. We also express our gratitude to the Commission for their diligent work in selecting the 2024 Laureate of the National Award of Rotary Bulgaria.

For more details, you can visit the Rotary Bulgaria website: Rotary Bulgaria News.


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