(27 May) Joint Meeting of Rotary Club Sofia International and Rotary Club Sofia Triaditsa

Rotary Club Sofia International Rotary Club SOfia Triaditsa On 27 May 2019 Rotary Club Sofia International and Rotary Club Sofia Triaditsa held a joint meeting in Marinela hotel in Sofia. After the official opening of the evening, Ms. Boyana Bankova, the President of Rotary Club Sofia Triaditsa, updated the present with the latest status of their projects – The Academy for Talented Children, for scholarships for talented kids, realized together with Lions Club Pleven, Lions Club Sofia Capital and with the Association for Child Support; Prevention of Ambiliopia in Lozenetz Hospital – a free eye screening for kids with Refractometer, an apparatus purchased by the club.

Later on, Ms. Bankova gave the floor to Mr. Luybomir Stanislavov, who updated us for the project of the Community Center in Fakulteta neighborhood (together with Rotary Club Sofia-Serdika).

The highlight was the acceptance of new a member of Rotary Club Sofia Triaditsa – Ms. Anna Chanova.

“Rotary has magic and part of it is hidden in the ability to find friends at any point in the world, another part is hidden in the ability to touch the knowledge and experience of these friends” said Ms. Bankova and invited their guest – Mr. Christian Noll to share his thoughts and experiences.

Mr. Noll is from Rotary Club Prague International, a club comprised mainly of expats. Rotary Club Prague International operates internationally in joint venture with other Rotary Club in India, catering food for the poor people and engages very actively in Rotary International and Rotary Foundation projects. The public relations are very important to Rotary Club Prague International and the club makes sure they publicize all their activities to as many people as possible. Christian also stressed the importance of having members of the club participate in the District.

Later on Ms. Bankova gave the floor to Mr. Repouz, who explained about our project “Sofia Owls” – a sitting volleyball club for athletes with disabilities. Mr. Repouz rounded up his expose with an account of the joint project of Rotary Club Sofia International with Rotary Club Korneuburg and Rotary Club Klosterneuburg for donation of medical equipment to three hospitals in Bulgaria.

We also hosted as guest Mr. Steve Hoa, General Manager of the Chinese Cultural Institute in Sofia, who was invited by Rotary Club Sofia International’s member Ms. Dessy Tian. Dessy will be an advisor to Mr. Hoa.

The fellowship continued with lively discussions and networking in a nearby bar.



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