(27 Feb) General Assembly and Election of President 2020/2021 (+GAL)
Rotary Club Sofia International held its elections for President Elect for 2020-2021 on its regular meeting on 27 February 2019, since on the last elections for President Elect 2020-2021 in December last year no President was elected due to lack of quorum. Our newly adopted rules, at the time, allowed us to elect only the Board members for next Rotarian year.
On the elections meeting we accepted firstly changes to our internal rules. All changes passed and most votes were unanimous. After changing the election quota for President we proceeded with elections for President Elect 2020/21.
Nominees for President 2020/2021 were Mr. Marc Bouzy and Mr. Jørgen Atke. After applying the electoral procedure Mr. Marc Bouzy was chosen over Mr. Jorgen Atke with a 15 to 3 votes.
Mr. Marc Bouzy is President Elect for 2020/2021. Congratulations to Marc and thank you to Jørgen for being a good sport.
After that short updates on “Wine It” 2019 event followed as well as on “Sofia Owls” – our Sitting Volleyball team – whose name is now officially registered.
After the elections the fellowship continued in the lobby bar of the hotel.