(26 Jun) Handover Ceremony of Rotary Club Sofia International (+GAL)

Rotary Club Sofia InternationalThe last regular meeting of Rotary Club Sofia International on 26 June, 2019 was a culinary trip to the Armenian restaurant in Sofia “Egur Egur”. The proper atmosphere in this authentic taste-bud-experience took care for the President’s chain exchange from Mr. Enrico Repouz to our next President, Mr. Plamen Kertev. Mr. Plamen Kertev took the helm in the presence of numerous members and our guests: Mr. Brandur Haukson, Mrs. Irina Repouz, Mrs. Kathrine Rossi, Mr. Borislav Boynov form a Rotary Club in Zimbabwe, Mr. Thomas Metz, Mrs. Regina Simon.

Before giving the floor to the new President Mr. Repouz drew the attention of the present to a few internal topics. Our club has been asked by Rotary Club Sofia Balkan to support their endeavor “Braking the Circle of Poverty for Mothers of Children with Disabilities” by pledging a modest amount of money to the project. The proposal was voted unanimous by all 23 present members. Another  announcement was the Beach Volleyball Tournament organized by the Embassy of Pakistan. The tournament will take place on 3 July and the following people will take part: Ms. Ani Hristova, Mr. Yordan Dukov, Mrs. Dessy Tian, Mrs. Hristina Malchevska, Mr. Enrico Repouz all from Rotary Club Sofia International, and a friend of our club Ms. Aneliya Maleva. Jerseys are being branded and Rotary Club Sofia International will use this event to promote Sofia Owls and create awareness for the sitting volleyball as a sport. The last internal item announced was a call for help. A friend is in need. A 32 years old woman named Kamelia has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. Kamelia and desperately needs unaffordable for her family amount of money for stem cells transplantation. You can help either by donating money here, or by donating things that can be sold. For further information you can contact our Past President Ms. Ani Hristova.

The meeting continued with the President’s chain exchange ceremony. The Rotarian year came to an end and with it the Presidency of Mr. Enrico Repouz. In his touching speech he acknowledged with gratitude the hard work that has been done during the year and the work of all his predecessors. He thanked all members, who took great part in shaping our club by organizing and following through old and new projects, paying attention that our statues are in order and that we do right. He took the opportunity to personally thank Mr. Thomas Westerhoven, Mr. Jörg Schenk, Mr. Svetozar Shkoutov, Ms. Ani Hristova, Mr. Michail Sougarev, Mr. Rumen Rusinov, Mr. Peter Simon, and Mrs. Snejana Doncheva for their support.

The President 2019/2020 Mr. Plamen Kertev took the floor and wished that during his year the club will continue to progress and be among the top clubs in the District. He then announced that during the summer break informal meetings will take place at Pod Lipite Restaurant every Wednesday at 19:00 and after wishing all a good summer closed the official part for the fellowship to continue.

Ротари клуб София Интернешънъл



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