(17 Oct) Handover Ceremony of Rotary Club Sofia International (+GAL)
On 17 October 2018 in Hilton Sofia, Rotary Club Sofia International held its regular meeting and a past due Handover Ceremony of the old and new Presidents.
On the occasion, our Past President, Ms. Ani Hristova, held an entertaining short presentation on the achievements during her presidency. She tired through pictures to remind the members of the numerous guests, presentations, events, projects that happened during her mandate. She has also updated the club on the Rotarian events she had the chance to visit during the summer.
Ms. Hristova used the opportunity to once again and from the bottom of her hearth than the Board members, who served during her year – Ms. Slavena Savkova, Mr. Enrico Repouz, Mr. Jörg Schenk, Mr. Michail Sougarev, Mr. Plamen Kertev, Mr. Tony Ripley, Mr. Horst Stüer, Mr. Plamen Lazarov.
After these emotional moments she handed over the President’s chain to the new President of the club Mr. Enrico Repouz. They also exchanged presents, as it has become a tradition in the club already, Ms. Hristova received the symbol of wisdom and our club – an owl and huge bouquet of flowers. While she presented the new President with a fashionable wooden bow tie with the Rotary logo on it.
The meeting continued with Mr. Repouz announcing future events from the calendars of the other clubs in the District. He also announced that the organization of the already traditional Oktoberfest of our club is ongoing. Te event wil take place on 7 November 2018 at Bitburger on 20, Stefan Karadzha Str. in Sofia. The registration for the event is open and should you wish to join, you can fill in the form at: https://doodle.com/poll/7tetts3zpn2vu3be, not later, than 5 November 2018.
After the official part of the meeting the members and guests moved to the lobby bar of the hotel where the congratulations for the new president continued.