(23 May) New Members Acceptance and a Presentation by Mr. Krasse Gueorguiev at a Regular Meeting (+GAL)

The regular weekly meeting of Rotary Club Sofia International has been held on 23 May at Hilton Sofia. The president of the club Ms. Ani Hristova opened  the official part and informed the present on the club’s projects in progress, shared invitations for events, and announced The Experience! – the traditional whisky fundraising event. This year it will be on 7 June 2018 in Bodega Tsar Asen on 6, Tsar Asen Str. in Sofia. You can already reserve your place at info@rc-si.org.

The focus of the meeting was the acceptance of out two newest members Mrs. Linda Kim and Mrs. Elena Vassileva. Their pins were presented to them by their guarantors Ms. Ani Hristova an Mr. Plamen Lazarov. After promising to follow the Four Way Test in all their endeavors, the two ladies were congratulated by all the present.

The meeting continued with an exciting presentation “If You Are Not Scared of Your Dreams, They Are Not Big Enough!” held by the ultramarathon runner Mr. Krasse Gueorguiev.


Mr. Gueorguiev’s iron will to survive under extreme conditions is indescribable. He has proved repeatedly his ability to survive both minus 55°C and plus 55°C. His first steps have been made on the treadmill. He hardly could breathe, but he liked it and didn’t give up. Running became a therapy against overweight and harmful habits like smoking and drinking of alcohol.

He started with bigger and bigger challenges. He took part in marathons around the world – including jungles, deserts and the Valley of Death. The most extreme place where he has been to is the Polar Circle.

He explained what is “Marathon des Sable” about – 255 km, “The marathon of the Sands” is one of the oldest and most legendary ones. The people there are not allowed to accept any external help. They are all wearing with them weights (like 50 kilos). They get water only – 9 liters a day. They cannot pick even an apple from someone while they go through a village. (One of the marathon runners was disqualified for this only reason) and they are starving all the time.

Mr. Gueorguiev told also about the most dangerous place, where he has run – “Frostkade-The Arctic” – 400km. There is not only running, there is also a kind of surviving, all depends on the runner. There is no way to make a mistake and to ask someone to help, because there is just no one around you.

Recently Krasse Gueorguiev supported the Association “Children with Oncohematologic Diseases”. With his 36 hours marathon on treadmill he collected money for the kids so they could go again to Moscow and participate at the special Olympic games.

At the end many of our members asked questions and took pictures with Mr. Gueorguiev.


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