(18 May) Another Donation to the Children Hospital in Sofia Realized (+GAL)
During the period of 25-30 October 2021 a Charity Marathon was organized by our Rotaract Club Sofia International – ROTARUN – a great initiative of our youth organization and we are very proud of them. The participation was via mobile app Strava. More information about it can be found on the link: www.rota.run
The idea is this charity marathon to be a sustainable project annually organized. Charitable cause: medical equipment for a Bulgarian hospital in need. Sponsors of the marathon were Superhosting, Smart Organic, School Boss.
The project was completed successfully, 1,800 BGN were raised due to the active participation in the marathon and a need was identified in the Children’s Hospital in Sofia – SBAL Children’s Hospital “Prof. Dr. Ivan Mitev” – an infusion medical pump.
When Mr. Horst Stueer, past President and member of Rotary Club Sofia International, understood about the need he kindly proposed to do a personal donation of this pump for the Children’s Hospital in need.
The handover of the donation was realized on 18 May 2022 at the official meeting of Rotary Club Sofia International in Hilton Hotel. The representatives from the Hospital Dr. Tacheva, Deputy Director of the Hospital and Mrs. Legomanova were present at the meeting and accepted the donation for the hospital with gratitude.
The collected money from the marathon will be dedicated to other medical equipment projects.