(16 Dec) MED-Bul Project for 2019 Successfully Completed (+GAL)
MED-Bul Project successfully completed on 16 December 2019, just a few days before Christmas. The fourth truck with donated medical equipment was offloaded at the hospital in Razgrad. The donated goods are from the hospital in Floridsdorf, Vienna. The delivery is part of the joint project of Rotary Club Sofia International with two Rotary clubs from Austria – Rotary Club Korneuburg and Rotary Club Klosterneuburg. This is the second big donation after the deliveries made during the summer period of 2019. At the time, the medical equipment was delivered from the hospital in Judenburg, Austria.
This last delivery for 2019 included: 39 electrical beds, two operation room tables Maquet, an echograph trolley, an infusion pump stand, an instrument
cabinet, hospital bed mattresses, tables, etc. The donation was distributed among two hospitals – MBAL Razgrad and MBAL Targovishte. This was the second donation for the two hospitals during 2019 within the MED-Bul Project.
Deliveries were organized once again by Jöbstlel Bulgaria. The main part of the transport expenses was covered by our dear friend Mr. Marc Bouzy, President Elect 2020/2021 of Rotary Club Sofia International. The overall management of the donation process in Bulgaria was executed by Mr. Rumen Rusinov. The project would not have been successful without the support of the management and the staff of the hospital in Razgrad. Rotary Club Sofia International would like to wholeheartedly thank all the involved for their extraordinary efforts and achievement. Appreciation also to our partner clubs RC Korneuburg and RC Klosterneuburg.
MED-Bul project is one of the biggest joint projects of the club and is expected to continue in 2020. The approximate amount of the donations exceeds 450 000 Euros.