Successful Teambuilding of Rotary Sofia International Family
The 4 clubs that form Rotary Sofia International Family organized their team building for 1 day in Sofia city on July 3rd 2010.
Over 30 members and guests had the opportunity to get acquainted the types of leaderships and the way that organizations and teams have to work on a coherent way in order to manage to cope with pressure that may occur on some occasions.
The beginning words were from Rotary Club Sofia International’s and secretary – Mr. Michail Sougarev. Afterward the theoretical part that was introduced by Mr. Hans Promberger (member of Rotary Club Sofia International and Past-President).
Another part of the team building was the participants to asses themselves.
Apart from the theory and practical team building exercises the participants had the opportunity to visit the 60 K office building – a company owned and run by Mr. Philip Clayton – member of Rotary Club Sofia International. It was in this building that the team building exercises took place.
The initiative also aimed to find more ways for collaboration and cooperation between Rotary club, Rotaract club and the 2 Interact Clubs of Sofia International.
Rotary, Rotaract and the 2 Interact clubs of the Sofia International Family wish to thank 60 K for the warm hospitality and professionalism.