Visit of District Governor Mr. Plamen Minev to RC Sofia-International

DG Plamen MinevThe District-Governor of D-2482 Bulgaria Mr. Plamen Minev visited the “Sofia International” family on Dec 9 2009 (19:00) at Arte Hotel in downtown Sofia city.

After a board meeting with the members of the Board of Rotary and the presidents of Rotaract and Interact, the DG met with the members of the Clubs and made an outstanding speech. He started by stating that he is proud that the Sofia International Rotary Club has progressed for 1 year to have sponsored and formed 1 Rotaract Club and 1 Interact Club. The DG expressed his gratitude to Mrs. Sara Skags-Dimitrova, member of Rotary Club Sofia International, for her devotion and work on the realized project in Montana municipality hospital where Rotary Club Sofia International together with its partners from Rotary Club Oklahoma, thankfully to the American Red Cross, provided a donation worth around USD 250 00 of medical supplies and accessories. Also than kfully to the Austrian Red Cross and the America for Bulgaria Foundation who supplied the easy transportation to Montana of the goods. Mrs. Sara Skags-Dimitrova was personally awarded with a special Rotarian female scarf for this initiative.

Afterwards the DG made a presentation of the 3 district projects which are to be realized nationwide. In the education sphere the project is called ‘”Business hour” and aims to provide practical knowledge from Rotarians and Rotaractors to students in schools and universities in order to show how the economy of Bulgaria works. In the health sphere the project which is now proposed concerns screening and making research on the Bulgarian men for prostate cancer. The project will be partly funded by the Rotary Bulgaria family and if there is a negative diagnose then the patient will be provided with information and support on his medical-road-map to the curing of the problem. The third project is in the sphere of informing the public of what Rotary does and in order Rotary to open itself to more people who help the ones in need. The project is called “Good maker” and is going to be realized together with the foundation “Good maker”. The project aims to show to the public which are the people who do good things and help the ones in need and also Rotary to unite with these people.

The DG presented a realized project – the new website of District 2482. The website gives the ability to manage the communication between the clubs in a new way and also brings all Rotarian projects on 1 arena. “We will get to know now what Rotary Bulgaria really is!”, said the DG Mr. Plamen Minev.

In the end the presidents of Rotary, Rotaract and Interact as well as the President Elect Mr. Iain Greive received special awards for there work so far from the DG Mr. Plamen Minev and expressed his willingness to support the activities of the clubs.

The meeting finished with group photos.


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