(16 Feb) Two New Members Inducted and a Presentation on Online Media and Marketing (+GAL)

Two New Members InductedTwo new members inducted during the 16 February 2022 regular meeting of Rotary Club Sofia International held in person in Hilton Sofia and online for the ones not able to be present physically. The official part, as usual, was opened by the President Mrs. Hristina Malchevska. After the Four Way Test and the introduction of the guests, internal news, projects and activities updates followed. The delivery of the items for the new MED-Bul project in cooperation with Rotary Club Bansko-Razlog is expected 24-25 February 2022 in Sofia. The transportation cost will be covered by Dr. Sigrun Comati and Dr. h.c. Ingo Endrick Lankau, Honorarkonsul der Republik Bulgarien in Hessen. The overall organization of the project is again realized by our President Elect Mr. Rumen Rusinov. Here you can read more about the last successful MED-Bul in December 2021.

After the initial announcements, a ceremony for two new members induction followed. Ms. Mariam Melikyan and Mr. Konstantin Yordanov, who were Rotarians in the previous years in other Rotary clubs in Armenia and Bulgaria were officially accepted as members of Rotary Club Sofia International

Our special guest and presenter of the evening was Mrs. Justine Toms, who is among the pioneers of the Bulgarian Internet. An expert in online media and marketing, founder of digital agency ABC Design & Communication since 1998, creator of a number of niche online websites, such as Az-jenata.bg, Az-deteto.bg, which are now part of the Investor.bg Group. Justine has also been the idea leader of the competition for best Bulgarian online projects – BG Site since 1999. Author of 15 books in the area of online presence, digital media, CSR and communication, entrepreneurship. She is lecturer at New Bulgarian University and Soft Uni Digital.

Justine decided to engage our club members at the end of the evening with games related to communication, which was such a great experience and everybody enjoyed it to the most. Firstly, we formed a circle, one person said a word to next one and passed it over to the following persons. At the end the result word was quite different, which shows that communication is not an easy task and we have to be careful how we convey our message. The next game was again in the circle with our hands forming mushrooms, which was so much fun and all of us laughed. Physical communication and reaction was practiced and again the results show it is not easy to coordinate and communicate clear. Then we were placed in a line one behind another and the last person clap hands on the back of the person in front in certain manner that has to be repeated till the end. Of course, again at last, the results were different. So we analyzed together the games and Justine talked about how important is a good communication and that even in digital it is much more harder.

A video conducted by Justine to greet our friends from Rotary Club Paris Agora for their 20th Anniversary followed.

At the end, Justine was so kind to give to the President one of her books and Hristina gave as a gift one of our branded Rotary Club Sofia International mugs, which was a great Kodak moment.

Afterwards the President thanked to our guests and club members for joining this evening and closed the official part of the evening for the fellowship to continue informally.


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