(13 Apr) Presentation by Assoc. Prof. Petrunova, Director National History Museum (+GAL)

Presentation by Assoc. Prof. PetrunovaPresentation by Assoc. Prof. Petrunova, Director National History Museum during the official meeting of Rotary Club Sofia International on 13 April 2022. We had the pleasure to meet in person and online altogether 19 friends.

The meeting started with welcoming words by the President and presentations of each guest. Then an overview of the President followed about the Internal affairs – news, activities, and projects’ update.

Afterwards flowered the presentation by Assoc. Prof. Petrunova, our special guest, about archeology. Prof. Petrunova is the Director of the National History Museum in Sofia and the Director of more than 60 archeological expeditions. She shared four of her excavation works – Urvich, Peristera, Lyutitsa and Kaliakra. Regarding Urvich – there has been reconstruction after Dimitar Ovtcharov of the Church St. Elijah  9th-17th century, as well as a number of precious coins were excavated from 4th – 6th century, Second Bulgarin Kingdom and Ottoman Empire. Coins of Sultan Mohammed bin Adil Tuhluk Saha is another very precious excavation, for which there is a book written and can be purchased in the National Historic Museum. The excavation in Peristera also has a great story. Initially the plans of the archeologist were to find and excavate a church but it appeared that there is a whole monastery at this territory. Also, a number of artifacts and gold coins were discovered there. Lyutitsa, so called “The Marbel city” is another impressive project where there was a discovery of a Bishop grave, also the first found in Bulgaria, completely preserved set of scales and weights. At Kaliakra there were excavated altogether 191 graves from 2010 and 2013, as well as a commemorative ritual with medieval sgraffito bowl full of shells as a gift for the deceased. All together there were excavated 27 buttons 3 items made of gold, 24 items made of silver (adornments). At the end we learned about some of the achievements and awards that Prof. Petrunova has received: “Archaeologist of 2018” in the campaign of the Standard newspaper “The wonders of Bulgaria“ and The Golden Griffin Award of the Ministry of Culture – Plaque 2019 for the discoveries of Kaliakra.

Finally, the President thanked to our guests and club members for joining this evening and reminded them about our Rotary Charity Gala Concert on 9 May 2022, where we need support to promote the event, to sell tickets, to find sponsors in order to collect more funds for our MED-Bul Program.


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