Interact Club Sofia International at Merridian 22 Presents its Projects (+GAL)
Today Rotary Club Sofia International held its regular meeting with a special presentation from the members of the Rotary sponsored Interact Club Sofia International at Merridian 22 High-School. The Interact members presented their work for the past couple of months in front of the RCSI members by having a specially prepared multimedia presentation. The activities of Interact Club Sofia International are on a wide scale – the Interact members involve theirselves in fundraising initiatives for the charity events as well as deliver goods and spend time with other children from orphanages on a regular basis.
Also at the meeting was announced the sum that was raised at the Successful Beer, Meat & Snacks Tasting Night – Charity Fundraiser and the main organizer – Mr. Andrey Stoychev was gratituded for his work on the event. Also an update on SOFIMUN 2012 project was delivered by Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev.
We are happy to welcome back our Past-President Mr. Stoian Kuchoukov among us.
Photos from the meeting: