(Feb 27) RC Sofia International Announces the Results from the Wine Love Experience – Annual Charity Fundraiser (+GAL)
Today RC Sofia International held its regular meeting. We once again had the pleasure to welcome many of our regular guests. The members and regular guest had the honor to meet three new guests the club.
On the meeting the results of the hugely successful Wine Love Experience were announced. The event raised 3440 BGN for 4 hours, which will contribute to cover the outstanding costs for the Medical Equipment project – realized at the end of 2011, another part of the funds will also go for purchasing solar panels for a home for handicapped people in Dulbok Dol, Troyan, funds also went for support of a project by Share the Good Foundation, who through sale of Martnitsas support the Graduation Ball of kids from social homes, the remaining funds will go towards the DONATIONS Program of the of RC Sofia International – a program which has solemnly managed to deliver goods, services and products for more than 1,5 mln. BGN for the past 7 years to the communities in need.
The organizers from RC Sofia international would like to thank all the sponsors and guest of the evening without whom the event would not have been possible. THANK YOU!
The next wine night will be in February 2014, however RC Sofia International will be hosting the Second Annual Cocktail Night on 31 May 2013 and we expect to see you all there. Stay tuned to our website www.rc-si.org for more details.