(Apr 02) Villa Yustina Wine Tasting at RCSI Regular Meeting (+GAL)
Today Rotary Club Sofia International gathered for another interesting regular weekly meeting. The administrative part engaged topics concerning the agenda for the next several meetings, some of the already completed projects, the youth programs Rotaract and Interact and other topics. It was followed by a very interesting wine tasting presentation by Mr. Stanislav Bakurdjiev – export and key-clients manager at Villa Yustina Winery complex. He explained where is Villa Yustina. What is different about this particular winery and how it is the most modern winery in South-Eastern Europe. Also all the attendees of the meeting had the opportunity to taste the 5 different wines (2 white, 1 rose, 2 red) that Villa Yustina promoted at this event. More about Villa Yustina: www.villayustina.com