(6 Nov) Rotaract Clubs Presented Their Activities at a Regular Club Meeting (+GAL)

Rotary Club Sofia InternationalRotary Club Sofia International held its regular weekly meeting on 6 November 2019 in Hilton Sofia. This time our lovely secretary Mr. Hristina Malchevska presided over the meeting. We welcomed four guests from two Rotaract Clubs. They later presented their activities: Mr. Claudio Mascolo and Ms. Dilyana Tsolova from Rotaract Club Sofia International, Ms. Ruksina Basheva and Ms. Veselina Cholakova from Rotaract Club Sofia. We also had the pleasure to welcome again Mrs. Yolanda Van den Brook.

The meeting started with news by our Rotaractors from Rotaract Club Sofia International. They were invited by Mr. Yordan Dukov, the Rotaract liaison of our club. Claudio is the current President and Dilyana the Secretary of Rotaract Club Sofia International. They updated us on the club’s status. Since most members left the club after University graduation, the main goal facing us now is to revive the club by attracting new members. Future projects and activities that could support the club in their efforts to strengthen it were discussed actively.

Next, the guests from Rotaract Club Sofia Ruksina and Vesselina expressed their gratitude to our club for supporting their books donation project. This year the books collected, not without the help of Ms. Ani Hristova, went to library “Svetlina – 1907” Community Center in Yakoruda, Bulgaria. For more details you can read the article on our page. Last year the books collected as part of that same project were donated to Sunday schools in London. More details can be found in the following article. Plan is the next donation of books to be for the Bulgarian communities in France and Ukraine. Once again Sunray Publishing Company will provide textbooks for this phase of the project. If you also wish to to be part of this wonderful endeavor by donating books, please, contact Ms. Hristova or send a mail to: info@rc-si.org

Ruksina and Vesselina not only presented the successful realization of their project, but were also so kind to bring chocolate and wine.

Afterwards Mr. Rumen Rusinov updated all on the status of the MED-Bul Project.

Later on the  meeting continued with announcement concerning the funds, which were collected at the traditional Oktoberfest of Rotary Club Sofia International. The amount of USD 175 has been transferred to the End Polio Now Fund.

Consequently, we received fascinating news about our Sofia Owls – the Paralympic volleyball team established by our club. Their training sessions are going very well. Anyone who wants to take part and support the team can visit them at the University of Mining and Geology every Friday at 18:30 h. For more news like the Sofia Owls Facebook Page.

Finally, well done, Hristina, for the charming way you chaired the meeting.

After the official part, the fellowship continued with laughter and smiles.



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Hilton Sofia, 1 Bulgaria Blvd., Sofia.

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