(27 Mar) New Member Acceptance Mrs. Dessy Tian and a Presentation by Mr. Jörg Schenk (+GAL)

Our Club’s meeting on 27 March started with the official ceremony of a new member acceptance – Mrs. Dessy Tian, who was our regular guest in the past few months. She was welcomed with a speech by our President – Mr. Enrico Repouz – followed by the pin ceremony by her sponsors Ms. Ani Hristova and Mr. Rumen Rusinov and her thoughts on becoming a Rotarian. Dessy is a medical doctor in Traditional Chinese Medicine and has her practice in Sofia. Congratulations Dessy, we are very proud to have you among us.

The acceptance was witnessed by our guest Mr. Petrun Vardarov from Rotary Club Samokov. He presented himself and his club, as well as, their activities and projects. Mr. Vardarov, you are always welcome to be our guest.

Our President, Mr. Enrico Repouz, informed us about a wonderful private initiative and a great example of internalized charity. Our dear friend Mr. Wolf Harlfinger and his wife Mrs. Juliane Harlfinger have been collecting clothes form friends in Germany and on Monday 25 March they both delivered in excess of 18 large boxes to the children’s home in the city of Roman (“National Fund St. Nicola” Foundation – Children with mental impairment).

Further the meeting followed with update on the progress of the establishment of our sitting volleyball club – “Sofia Owls”. On 8 May we will welcome Rotary Club Sofia Balkan for presentation on how they started their basketball club for handicapped athletes. We hope to receive an insight of best practices from our friends and to apply these to our project.

One more important announcement concerning HOPe Restaurant, a social enterprise started with with a Global Grant by our club and the Foundation for Social Change and Inclusion, has changed its location. The new address is 99, “Knyaz Boris I” Str. in Sofia. You are all invited to visit them and sample the food prepared by youngsters living in protected homes in Sofia.

The meeting cotinued with a presentation by Mr. Jörg Schenk on India and on Field Hockey. An impressive, non-suppressive, immersive, non-subversive, and sportive impressions of India with a heavy dose of field-hockey, powerful and comprised. The audience loved the insights of field hockey. Just a remember, our member, Mr. Jörg Schenk is the new Chairman of the Bulgarian Field Hockey Association.

After the meeting the fellowship continued in the lobby bar of the hotel.



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